Friday, December 10, 2010

Hockey, Hockey and More Hockey

You wouldn't think hockey would be so popular in New Mexico, and, well, it really isn't - but Fletcher and Isla enjoy it! 

Here are a few photos of them getting ready to play, me helping and then me playing with them. 

Here is Fletcher and his dad, Mr. Stu, getting on his goalie gear.

Here I am helping - this is tough work!

IslaRose and I posing by Santa, we can't wait for him to come!!

I don't think I'm big enough to play goalie.

Fletcher was telling me that I'm about the right size to be the puck though......

Getting ready to play....

I'm okay, as long as Fletcher doesn't decide that I AM the puck.

Hee Hee Hee, we have fun together!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Fletcher didn't use you as a puck Flat Stanley! :)
